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Hunter Wants His Dad In Power Because The Presidency Profits And Protects The Bidens

Hunter Biden
Image CreditCBS Mornings/YouTube

Hunter is overtly invested in Joe’s business because, without it, his family’s enrichment scheme would be dead in the water.


Hunter Biden desperately wants his father to stay in the 2024 presidential race — but not for the reasons the corporate media suggest.

Shortly after President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, The New York Times was quick to amplify the entire Biden family’s support for their suddenly scrutinized patriarch’s 2024 presidential run.

“One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations,” the Times wrote.

The outlet framed Hunter’s concern for his dad’s political future at a recent Camp David “huddle” as genuine and well-meaning, in a framing that’s similar to Joe’s perpetual expressions of pride in his prodigal.

“Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night,” the article continued.

Hunter’s motives for keeping his father as the floundering spectacle that even the propaganda press suddenly agrees he’s become, however, are far more sinister than outlets like the Times are willing to let on.

Replacing Joe on the 2024 presidential ticket would undoubtedly open Hunter and his family members — who have made millions on an international influence-peddling scheme that hinges on Biden as the “brand” — to consequences they wouldn’t face under their patriarch’s regime.

Without Joe, Hunter has no overpriced art business boosted by his dad, no shielding privileges from the Biden Department of Justice, and no one to invoke when the federal government investigates him and his business buddies for illegal moneymaking shenanigans.

More importantly, the effective end of Joe’s 52-year Washington, D.C., career means the end of the family’s overseas pay-to-play scheme. Without his dad’s presence in the White House, the younger Biden has no political leverage he can use to get deals with foreign oligarchs “across the finish line” in exchange for lavish gifts, positions he didn’t deserve, and cash-padded pockets.

Of course, the same corporate media who deliberately suppressed reporting about Hunter’s laptop ahead of the 2020 election, called Republicans’ evidence-based Biden family corruption investigation a fraud, and routinely ignored Joe as a growing national security threat refuse to admit as such.

The multiple conflicts of interest posed by Hunter’s desperate attempt to save his dad’s face deserve severe scrutiny, not a fawning feature. Instead, Americans were dealt a slew of articles about the Bidens’ last-minute scramble to reassure the public that the 81-year-old “remains capable of serving for another four years” and a Vogue magazine cover of the real woman in charge of the Biden White House.

Joe has repeatedly insisted, against all evidence, that he’s not involved in Hunter’s business. Hunter, however, is overtly invested in Joe’s business because, without him, the Biden family’s years-long enrichment scheme would be dead in the water.

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