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If Trump Wants To Win, He Should Run With J.D. Vance

Trump needs a true fighter and a real friend in his corner as his running mate — and there’s only one man who fits the bill.


Jan. 20, 2025, will mark the first day of the most important four years of our lifetimes. That’s the day President Trump will place his hand on a Bible, take the oath of office, and end the disasters Joe Biden created at home and abroad. It’s the day the effort to save America will truly begin.
President Trump is undoubtedly the man for this moment, but as our 47th president, he will face even harsher challenges than he did as our 45th. The media, the deep state, the Democrats, and, yes, even some establishment Republicans will fight harder and dirtier than they ever have before to stop Trump from implementing his America First agenda.
With the stakes high and many powerful forces standing against him, Trump needs a true fighter and a real friend in his corner as his running mate. He needs someone who will have his back, especially when the going gets tough, who’s smart, effective, and a true believer on policy. 
There’s only one man who fits the bill: Sen. J.D. Vance. 
The Ohio Republican has proven himself time and time again as one of Trump’s strongest allies. He’s a ruthlessly effective messenger, especially on hostile networks, and would perform strongly against Kamala Harris in a debate. He’s stood up to the globalists who want America’s sons and daughters to fight other nations’ wars. He’s in lockstep with Trump on tariffs, trade, and economic policy. And he won’t surrender, as far too many Republicans have, on border security, illegal immigration, and protecting American workers.

I’ve watched Vance closely since he was elected. He’s stayed true to what he believes, even when it meant fighting the establishment of his own party, and hasn’t allowed Washington to change him. To put it differently, he has a spine — a rare virtue in Washington.  
It’s not hard to see why. Tough times make strong men, and Vance has certainly faced tough times. He had a difficult upbringing in Ohio amid the consequences of globalist economic and trade policies that Americans across the Midwest know all too well: shuttered factories, broken families, lack of opportunity, and a drug epidemic. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the Marine Corps and served his country honorably, including in Iraq. He then excelled at Ohio State and Yale Law before becoming a bestselling author and creating jobs in the private sector. 
His political rise wasn’t easy either. When he announced his run for Senate, he faced long odds and a field of well-funded and well-known primary opponents. But Vance stood out, connected deeply with the voters, earned Trump’s endorsement, and won big. In the general election, Vance overcame the critics and an avalanche of cash from wealthy leftist donors to crush Democrat darling and former presidential candidate Tim Ryan, thanks in no small part to Vance’s discipline on the campaign trail and strong debate performances.
Vance is battle-tested, brilliant, and has proven he has what it takes. He would excel as a messenger for Trump’s agenda in the most critical swing states. If, God forbid, something were to happen to Donald Trump, he is the only vice-presidential contender who would continue Trump’s legacy rather than returning the GOP to the dark days of old. 
The fight before us — the fight for the future of our country — is too important for Trump to surround himself with standard politicians and placeholders who will work to undermine his agenda. Trump must surround himself with real allies, real fighters, and real friends.
If Trump taps J.D. Vance, he will send a clear message to the nation that he’s playing to win.

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