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Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Still Won’t Say The Word ‘Woman’


The justice who was nominated to the Supreme Court based on her race and sex refused for the second time in her short high court career to acknowledge women. The stiff to the females she claims to represent came in her concurring opinion in Moyle v. United States, released on Thursday.

Jackson joined Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan in deciding to punt a ruling on the Biden administration’s attempt to twist the 1986 Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) to advance its abortion extremism in pro-life states. She also penned her own concurring opinion claiming that Idaho’s popular lifesaving law specifically posed a threat to women. Yet she refused to write the word “women.”

Throughout her eight-page opinion, Jackson reduced those most impacted by Idaho’s law and the regime’s EMTALA expansion to “pregnant patients” instead of using the biologically accurate label used to describe the unique humans intrinsically designed to conceive and birth children.

“Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho. It is delay. While this Court dawdles and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position, as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires,” Jackson wrote.

Jackson didn’t simply do a disservice to women by claiming that Idaho’s pro-life law, which has saved hundreds of lives, caused a “months-long catastrophe.” She also snubbed them when she lied about the kind of care they and their unborn children are entitled to receive in red states with pro-life protections during any pregnancy-related emergency.

“This Court had a chance to bring clarity and certainty to this tragic situation, and we have squandered it. And for as long as we refuse to declare what the law requires, pregnant patients in Idaho, Texas, and elsewhere will be paying the price,” she wrote.

Jackson amplified the Biden regime’s talking point that complications like preeclampsia, preterm premature rupture of the membranes, sepsis, and placental abruption mean women must choose either to preserve themselves or to preserve their unborn children.

In reality, plenty of women and babies have bypassed that false binary and survived pregnancy complications with proper medical intervention that prioritizes saving both lives.

Jackson was confirmed to U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 even though she refused to define what a woman is because she is “not a biologist.”

Since joining the high bench, the soft-on-perverts justice has used feigned ignorance and the revisionist leftist activism present in her “patients”-for-“women” language swap in her rulings and reasonings.

In June 2023, the affirmative action hire argued in favor of institutional racism. Shortly after that, as corporate media and Democrats ramped up their smears against Republican-nominated justices over perfectly legal actions they deemed “unethical,” Jackson committed a slew of ethics violations.

During arguments in the court’s most recent term, Jackson complained about the Constitution before epically failing in her attempt to tout Democrat and corporate media talking points about Jan. 6.

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