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Hunter Biden Email Discussing $5 Million Payment From Burisma Corroborates FD-1023


An email apparently sent by Hunter Biden to longtime business associate Devon Archer discusses a $5 million payment from Ukrainian energy company Burisma — appearing to corroborate the FBI FD-1023 form in which a confidential human source recorded testimony from Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky that “It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.”

“Need to determine what we consider expenses to be deducted from potential Burisma ‘pay’ before we determine true split # with Alex. (i.e. 5-.75/3= 1.42M apiece),” read an email that IRS investigators believed to be from the younger Biden, which was part of a batch of records released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee. According to a slide that investigators presented to Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the “5” is a reference to $5 million that would be paid out by Burisma. Of that money, $750,000 would be subtracted — the email asked if Archer thought “750K [was] a reasonable expense # btw Wash and DC offices?”

Of the remaining $4.25 million, splitting the money between Hunter, Archer, and “Alex” (whose last name is redacted) would leave each man with $1.42 million.

According to an affidavit from IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler, who worked the Hunter Biden tax case, the discussion “was believed to be [Hunter Biden’s] laying out of the plan related to the Burisma board income he and Archer were about to receive.”

The emails were obtained “by the investigative team via an Electronic Search Warrant served on Google related to RHB’s [Hunter Biden’s] Apple email account,” Ziegler noted.

“RHB references $5 million in total from Burisma (which was referenced in the beginning of the board agreement), which I believe coincides with information on the FBI Form FD1023,” he added.

The FD-1023 was an FBI form completed in June 2020, in which a highly credible confidential human source (CHS) reported having a conversation with Mykola Zlochevsky in which the Burisma founder complained about having to pay $5 million to both Hunter and Joe Biden. Zlochevsky claimed “he didn’t want to pay the Bidens, and he was ‘pushed to pay’ them” and told the CHS he had “recordings” of Hunter and Joe to prove it.

“Zlochevsky [said] he did not send any funds directly to the ‘Big Guy’ (which CHS understood was a reference to Joe Biden),” the FD-1023 notes. When the CHS asked about Zlochevsky’s bank accounts, “Zlochevsky responded it would take them (Investigators) 10 years to find the records (i.e., illicit payments to Joe Biden).”

The CHS also reported on the FD-1023 that another Burisma executive told him Hunter Biden was hired to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.”

[READ NEXT: Here’s Everything In The Damning FD-1023 Document That Implicates Biden In An International Bribery Scheme]

Despite the explosive allegations contained in the form, Weiss’s team withheld the FD-1023 from IRS investigators, according to Ziegler. Weiss has since been appointed special counsel by Joe Biden’s attorney general.

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