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Breaking News Alert Report: Trump Rally Assassin Hid Gun On Site Before The Event

Early Media Reports Call Trump Bleeding After He Was Shot An ‘Incident’

Trump holds his ear after bullet grazes his face at campaign rally.
Image CreditABC News / Youtube

After shots rang out and blood appeared on President Donald Trump’s face at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the corporate media machine initially issued apathetic reactions to the event, downplaying the violence committed.

CNN published an article after the news broke, claiming the former president’s campaign speech was “interrupted by Secret Service.” Other articles on the news outlet’s site included headlines such as “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally” and “What pool reporters saw and heard at the rally where Trump was rushed off stage.”

The Washington Post published the headline “Trump taken away after loud noises at rally,” with the featured photo on the article showing blood rushing down Trump’s face, underscoring the media’s hypocrisy in covering the tragic event. The headlines flooding the publications’ sites are afraid to address the situation as what it is — a horrific event that is being investigated as an apparent assassination attempt against the former president.

Social media is exploding with outrage over the corrupt media’s downplaying of the event. USA Today claimed the former president was “removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startle[d] former president.” Rather than accurately reporting what happened , headlines masked gunshots as “popping noises.” According to the leftist media, Trump was merely “startled” by said “popping noises.”

In one NBC article, for example, the reporter wrote that Trump is expected to survive, but continued to frame what happened as an “incident.”

Videos and photos from the campaign rally show Trump falling to the ground after gunshots can be audibly heard. People in the audience screamed. Even with video proof of shots fired and blood on Trump’s face, outlets such as CNN and the Post failed to put partisanship aside and reported inaccurately on the event.

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