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Dennis Quaid Says ‘Weaponization Of Our Justice System’ Convinced Him To Support Trump


Actor Dennis Quaid told Piers Morgan on Tuesday that the “weaponization of the justice system” convinced him to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

“I think I’m gonna vote for him in the next election,” Quaid told Morgan on an episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

“It just makes sense. I was ready not to vote for Trump, until what I saw is, more than politics, I see a weaponization of our justice system and a challenge to our Constitution,” the actor said. “Trump is the most investigated person, probably in the history of the world, and they haven’t been able to really get him on anything.”

Quaid then praised Trump for his foreign policy, saying the former president “stood up for us overseas.”

“The way he responded to China,” the actor continued, “he stands up to people, and that’s what makes him a leader. Rather than, what I kind of compare it to, what was going on in Jimmy Carter’s administration, where we’re trying to be everybody’s friend and pal.”

“People might call [Trump] an a–shole, but he’s my a–hole,” Quaid continued.

Quaid’s interview came the same day closing arguments were made in the Manhattan lawfare trial against the former president in which the only discernible crime thus far seems to be that the star witness, Michael Cohen, stole money from the Trump Organization.

But the trial is the product of a weaponized justice system, as Quaid noted.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who campaigned on a “get-Trump” agenda, accused Trump of wrongly classifying payments he allegedly made to Cohen to purchase the silence of pornographer Stormy Daniels as legal fees rather than campaign expenses.

But the lawfare trial has achieved perhaps its most important goal — kneecapping Trump’s ability to, well, be a presidential candidate. Trump has been severely restricted from campaigning since he has been required to sit in court four days out of the week for a case experts on both sides have cast doubt on.

President Joe Biden and the Democrats have made it clear that their campaign strategy hinges on the weaponization of the justice system as evidenced by Biden’s campaign fundraising off the lawfare and publicity stunts outside the courthouse.

Trump is also fighting off other lawfare cases brought against him by local and state actors, as well as Biden’s own Department of Justice. In his most recent lawfare case, Trump was ordered to pay a $454 million penalty — which he is appealing — for a “crime” in which there were no victims and no one was financially hurt.

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