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Ex-Democrats, Independents, And Newbie Donors Throw Cash At Trump After Manhattan Show Trial

‘I know I’m not alone. We do not live in a Democracy anymore,’ one former fence-sitter wrote on X following Thursday’s sham verdict.


When the guilty verdict came down Thursday afternoon in that Manhattan kangaroo court, the credit cards came out in support of former President Donald Trump. 

Voters who said they had been on the fence about the GOP’s three-time presidential nominee, resisted him in the past, or had just never contributed to a political campaign are reaching for their wallets following the banana republic prosecution, trial, and verdict. 

“I just made my first political donation in my entire life. Those that want to destroy this country left me NO CHOICE. Trump 2024,” Chandler Crump, who bills himself as a 19-year-old Billboard charting artist and freedom fighter, wrote on his X account. 

Crump apparently jumped into a long line. 

The WinRed fundraising platform the former president’s 2024 campaign uses crashed following the jury’s verdict, reportedly because of a surge in interest and donations. The jury found Trump guilty of all 34 nebulous counts of falsifying business records filed by far-left prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who campaigned for the office on a platform of going after Trump. Billed as a “hush money” trial on alleged payments made to a pornographer, Bragg performed extralegal alchemy in transforming a languishing misdemeanor charge into a federal campaign finance felony. Not even the conflicted judge in the case, a donor to President Joe Biden’s campaign, seemed to fully understand the charges but knew enough to block an elections law expert from testifying that there was no crime. 

What Americans — and the world — witnessed over the past several weeks was a Soviet-style show trial against Biden’s political opponent and the left’s public enemy No. 1. The stuff of banana republics. They got what they wanted: hanging the albatross of “convicted felon” around Trump’s neck as he looks to chase Biden from the White House and the swamp creatures from the federal government, even though the former president is immediately appealing the guilty verdict. 

But the conviction could prove costly for an incumbent whose poll numbers have suffered with each indictment against his challenger. 

“The American people see through Crooked Joe Biden’s rigged show trial,” the campaign wrote on X within a half hour of the verdict being announced. “So many Americans were moved to donate to President Trump’s campaign that the WinRed pages went down. We are working on getting the website back online as quickly as possible. Stay strong.”

‘We Do Not Live in a Democracy Anymore’ 

For some independents and “mean tweet”-averse Republicans who grew weary of Trump in 2020, nearly 3.5 years of political weaponization of the executive branch has them yearning for a simpler time. 

Poet Joseph Massey told X Land that he “was never all in for Trump, always on the fence,” but Thursday was a game-changer. 

“I know I’m not alone. We do not live in a Democracy anymore. Trump is our only shot at regaining the country we’ve lost to anti-American scum,” Massey posted.

The illustrious Jonnie Burrito replied: “I dont like him either but…… I will be going door to door in my county to make sure everyone as possible votes for Trump and the Republicans in November. Vote all Dems out! That’s my new motto.” 

Jon Tveten added, “At this point, we really don’t need a nice guy.” 

Politico, the Democrat Party’s more reliable water boys, declared that Trump was trying to “spin guilty into gold.” 

“The opportunity to monetize the verdict comes as Trump’s campaign still has significantly less cash in his campaign account than President Joe Biden, even after putting up a stronger haul in April,” the publication reported. At the end of April, Trump’s campaign lagged Biden’s by $35 million ($49 million to $84 million).

Trump didn’t need to try. The Manhattan sham trial did all the talking. 

“With the verdict now I think you will have the grassroots absolutely unleashed. You will have those who have been supporters chipping in [more]. And those who have been staying on the sidelines will come off the sidelines to rally around what they view as a travesty of justice here,” Matthew Bartlett, a Republican strategist and former Trump administration appointee, told Politico. 

‘The Right Thing to Do’

Big-ticket donors are chipping in too. 

About 15 minutes after the verdict came down, tech investor Shaun Maguire, partner with Sequoia Capital, said he donated $300,000 to the Trump campaign. The timing, he said, was not a coincidence. Maguire said he had “drunk the media Kool-Aid” on Trump in 2016 and contributed to and voted for Hillary Clinton. He said he was disillusioned in 2020 and didn’t vote for Trump or Biden. 

“Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump,” the 1-percenter wrote on his X account. “I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.”

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, who seems to have healed a rift with Trump after getting crosswise with the former president when she backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Hawkeye State’s Republican Party caucuses, said Democrats “overplayed their hand.”

“We’re going to fight back, we’re going to push back and ultimately the people in November will have the final say,” Reynolds told me Thursday during an interview on the “Simon Conway Show” on News Radio 1040 WHO in Des Moines. “I don’t think they [Democrats] are going to get the outcome that they’re looking for.” 

The outcome the left is looking for is seeing their political enemy in prison and their political stooge in the White House. But Trump has seen his poll numbers rise amid the mounting left-led indictments against him — a fact that continues to mystify and frustrate the accomplice media. 

How did their stooge respond to Thursday’s verdict? Most likely with the kind of crazed glee that only a demented octogenarian with a tough-guy complex could muster. And a fundraising appeal. 

“There’s only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: At the ballot box,” Biden wrote on his X account. “Donate to our campaign today.”

The campaign statement on behalf of Biden, who has frequently lived above the law, insisted, “In New York today, we saw that no one is above the law.” 

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