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Breaking News Alert Report: Trump Rally Assassin Hid Gun On Site Before The Event

J6 Committee’s Suppressed Evidence Scandal Exonerates Trump From ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

Liz Cheney
Image CreditABC News/Youtube

I was present when Donald Trump authorized 10,000 National Guard troops days before Jan. 6 in the Oval Office. My testimony never changed.


The greatest con job ever to happen in American politics is the false Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative. The singular mission of this narrative is to stop Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. 

A key pillar of the left’s propaganda about insurrection is to distort the truth surrounding whether Trump authorized, prior to Jan. 6, the deployment of National Guard troops to keep order on that day. The main architect of this disinformation campaign is former Congresswoman Liz Cheney.  

During my time on Capitol Hill as the chief investigator for the House Intelligence Committee, I remember briefing then-Congresswoman Cheney on the critical findings of the Russiagate investigation in 2017. Cheney consumed the information in an apolitical fashion, a promising characteristic for someone in such an important position. However, this ended when she must have decided that Trump threatened her dynastic political existence and endangered her father’s empire in the defense-industrial complex.  

Joining the most fraudulent committee in congressional history, Cheney shed her impartiality, catching the same virus that has infected the swamp, one constitutional arsonist at a time, Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

For over three years, I have done countless media interviews, answered numerous subpoenas, and testified before congressional committees and grand juries about the 45th president’s actions regarding the National Guard in the lead-up to Jan. 6, 2021. 

Unfortunately for the propaganda press, the truth never changed, nor did any of my testimony. 

Indeed, Donald Trump authorized at least 10,000 National Guard troops days before Jan. 6 in the Oval Office with the secretary of defense, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, chief of staff to President Trump, me, and others present. Pursuant to that authorization, senior DOD officials were dispatched to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office and the Capitol Police. Each of our respective testimonials, under oath, confirms this key fact.  

Now we learn that Cheney and her band of miscreants suppressed evidence that not only corroborates the truth about Trump’s authorization of National Guard troops but also completely exonerates Trump from their ginned-up charge of insurrection. 

Thanks to new and brilliant reporting from The Federalist’s Mollie Hemmingway, Cheney and her Never Trump comrades have been exposed for excluding the testimony of career Secret Service Agent Tony Ornato from the evidentiary record, not just in the J6 committee’s report, but also from the bogus Colorado court case. Ornato testified two years ago that Trump had indeed authorized the National Guard days before Jan. 6. 

Ornato was assigned to the White House during the Trump administration to coordinate presidential protection as deputy chief of staff. As a Secret Service officer with a distinguished decades-long apolitical career, it was impossible for the J6 committee to label him a “Trump loyalist” and thereby undermine his testimony. Instead, they hid it. 

When Ornato’s newly revealed testimony is combined with what is already known about the rejection by Bowser and Capitol Police (under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s control) of additional requests for the National Guard, the false Jan. 6 political narrative advanced by Cheney and others falls apart.

It is factually and legally impossible for them to have rejected the National Guard if President Trump had not previously authorized their use. 

For the crime of repeatedly speaking about Trump’s authorization of the National Guard, I have been labeled as “not credible” by corporate media, the Colorado judge, and the J6 committee. But standing up for the truth was always more important than seeking their bogus praise. 

Manipulated disclosures and omissions — most notably the Russia hoax, Hunter Biden’s laptop, 51 intel agents letter — by those in government to achieve a political objective have caused incalculable damage to our country’s national security. Those responsible for participating in these corrupt acts must be exposed and held accountable.  

Where does this leave us? Just as the FBI previously lied to a federal court and withheld exculpatory evidence during the Russia hoax to illegally spy on Donald Trump, Cheney and her J6 committee ran a deep-state disinformation operation against the American people. Now caught, she and her corrupt syndicate of liars run to social media to print in a last-ditch effort to save face and support their collapsing falsehoods with baseless personal attacks. 

Bring it on, I say. 

America is now very aware of the vast public disinformation campaigns that are carried out by left-wing political operatives, along with the marauding application of a two-tier system of justice, in and out of the courtroom. It will therefore be much harder for Cheney and her allies to rig the presidential election of 2024 by rigging public opinion. 

To the corporate media that was forced off this search for the truth, and to those who were intimidated into silence, you failed us. Thanks to a few brave Americans, the total exoneration of Donald Trump, both in the court of law and in the court of public opinion, is now complete. 

The truth matters. The truth keeps us free. That’s worth fighting for. And the good news is, I’m just warming up.

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