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Breaking News Alert Report: Trump Rally Assassin Hid Gun On Site Before The Event

Any Assassination Investigation That Includes Merrick Garland Or Chris Wray Is A Coverup

The U.S. attorney general and FBI director, as well as all their D.C. staff, must recuse themselves from every investigation into Trump’s assassination attempt.


The White House, Congress, and FBI immediately announced investigations into how a 20-year-old who couldn’t make his high school gun team nearly killed the former and potentially future leader of the free world Saturday. In a city as corrupt as Washington, D.C., “investigation” is politico-speak for “cover-up.”

That goes double for Merrick Garland or Chris Wray, the heads of the DOJ and FBI, respectively. Any investigation into this assassination attempt from which they do not recuse themselves is irrevocably poisoned. In fact, any involvement even from their headquarters and D.C. offices is a sure sign the investigations are cover-ups. It’s not even clear that field offices are credible investigators. The best option would be a genuinely independent commission or special prosecutor.

Here’s just a short recounting of the voluminous evidence showing that these men and their D.C. fiefdoms are rife with corruption and anti-Donald-Trump animus — as well as patent incompetence — to such a level that it has already repeatedly caused them to use their incredible federal powers for political snuffouts.

Merrick Garland’s Long Trump-Persecution Rap Sheet

Trump’s election in 2016 is the reason U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is not a justice voting on the U.S. Supreme Court for life. In fact, scuttling Garland’s nomination may have won Trump the presidency, as it allowed him to promise a better justice to voters. Those are some pretty sour grapes, and Garland has obviously drunk them repeatedly.

Garland personally authorized FBI agents dressed in street clothes to perform the same maneuver the assassin attempted against Trump Saturday: to shoot to kill Trump, should he interfere with their unprecedented raid on a cooperating former president’s home. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump based on the documents DOJ took in that raid has just been declared by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the Florida judge in the case, Aileen Cannon, to be unlawful.

During that raid, the FBI, a division of Garland’s DOJ, violated the warrant a judge secretly signed via WhatsApp by searching Melania and Barron Trump’s bedrooms without authorization. The related DOJ prosecution seeks to bankrupt Trump and throw him in jail for actions it declined to prosecute when openly committed by Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and others.

Garland personally declined to increase protection for Supreme Court justices and their families while they were threatened in their homes by rioters. Congress ordered Garland to do so after Justice Brett Kavanaugh barely escaped an assassination attempt.

Garland and his DOJ defined Trump supporters, such as peaceful pro-lifers and parents protesting masks and queer pornography, as “domestic violent extremists.” His DOJ has devoted extensive resources to suppressing the First Amendment rights of Americans who publicly agree with Trump’s policies, even diverting FBI agents from child trafficking cases to harass and jail Americans who publicly supported Trump policies.

The FBI and DOJ rounding up and jailing peaceful pro-lifers is especially notable because it has directly involved the FBI’s Pittsburgh Field Office, which is currently leading the FBI investigation into Trump’s attempted assassination. Helping put elderly Americans in jail for constitutionally protected speech is another indication the Pittsburgh FBI office is as politically corrupted as the Washington, D.C., office. While rounding up peaceful pro-lifers under an unconstitutional law, Garland’s DOJ and FBI have failed to find and prosecute leftists who firebombed pro-life clinics, another clear proof of anti-right animus and politicized corruption of police power.

Garland also refused to release the Special Counsel Robert Hur interview with President Biden, which provides evidence Biden is unfit to perform his elected duties, over which the House failed to censure him last week. That means Garland’s DOJ has jailed former Trump staffers Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro for the same actions their boss has taken, so far prosecution-free.

The DOJ’s prosecution of Trump staffers was undertaken as part of its Jan. 6, 2021, efforts, a massive portion of which the Supreme Court recently found illegally abused an obscure statute to hunt and terrify Americans with pro-Trump political views. The DOJ will surely appeal today’s dismissal of Smith’s case against Trump, once again demonstrating this agency’s leaders hate Trump and will do anything, including breaking the law and authorizing kill shots, to stop him.

Garland also initially refused to commit to releasing the John Durham special counsel report that concluded the Spygate operation to frame Trump as a traitor for Russia was fueled by corruption in FBI employees’ “hearts and minds” against equal justice and the rule of law.

Don’t forget, either, the Biden DOJ’s No. 3 official, Michael Colangelo, switching to New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to “jump start” the criminal prosecution against Trump that could see him jailed over business records after being prosecuted using an untested and nonsensical legal theory. Or Letitia James visiting the White House multiple times while attempting to deprive Trump of more than half a billion dollars — over a legal financial transaction that benefitted everyone involved.

This is just a cursory recounting of the DOJ’s many eager efforts in the last decade to act on behalf of Democrats and against equal justice under U.S. law. Others include the weaponization of DOJ’s inspector general office; repeated refusal to disclose information to Congress about the DOJ spying on Trump’s campaign, and Americans in general; repeated lying to secret U.S. intelligence courts to obtain permission to spy on Trump; hiding evidence from Durham’s investigation of Spygate; its failure to give defensive briefings to Trump’s campaign; its unprosecuted illegal leaking in ways that always help Democrats’ and its “dirtying up” and doxxing whistleblowers who report Biden and other Democrat corruption. Oh yes, and don’t forget the DOJ sending people to jail for pro-Trump internet memes.

Anyone who thinks this agency should have anything to do with investigating the attack on Trump’s life quite simply hates Trump and wants him dead.

The FBI’s Decade-Long Jihad Against Trump

The FBI has been deeply intertwined with DOJ and other spy agencies’ decade — or more — of politicized corruption. As has been well established by years of investigative work by The Federalist, other outlets, and congressional investigations, the FBI worked hand-in-hand with other U.S. spy agencies to frame Trump as a Russian traitor. This election-interference operation prompted a special counsel investigation that hamstrung Trump’s governance and deceived millions of voters with a constant campaign of leaks and lies.

As part of this operation, the FBI paid for Russian disinformation to take down the elected U.S. president. Another special counsel investigation later found agency bias was to blame for multiple FBI violations of law and policy to “prevent Trump from becoming president.” The bias that led to this federal effort to end democratic control of U.S. military and intelligence agencies has not only continued since, it’s expanded.

Whistleblowers recently revealed the FBI uses support for Trump as a litmus test to deny employment and security clearances. Obviously an agency that considers free speech and free association to be danger signs cannot be trusted either to defend the Constitution or to impartially seek truth related to the assassination attempt. An agency so politically corrupted it will not hire anyone who doesn’t hate Trump obviously cannot be trusted to investigate crimes against Trump and his supporters.

FBI corruption is at least as longstanding as DOJ’s. Agency officials helped hide the Hunter Biden laptop — and the Biden family corruption it confirmed — from voters in 2020 and helped get internet monopolies to ban accurate reporting about it. The evidence on the laptop shows Joe Biden is compromised by foreign governments, a massive risk to U.S. national security.

Thus the FBI not only put the nation at serious strategic risk, it also is an energetic part of the Internet Iron Curtain that hides other crucial facts and discussion from voters. This means it helps erase free and fair elections in the United States by controlling what the electorate learns about political candidates.

The FBI has a long track record of bungling multiple politically sensitive investigations and allowing bias to destroy its investigations. It was the FBI that tampered with evidence in the Mar-a-Lago raid on Trump. The FBI appears to have entirely constructed an alleged “plot” to “kidnap” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI also concluded that a politically motivated 2017 shooting that could have killed several Republican members of Congress was not an assassination attempt but “suicide by cop.” Don’t forget that the FBI has failed to prosecute any Jeffrey Epstein clients.

For a year now, the FBI has fought to conceal the manifesto of the transgender Christian school shooter in Tennessee. It was the FBI that arrested The Blaze reporter Steve Baker without informing him of the charges against him, a constitutional violation. And FBI memos show that its field offices have spied on Christians absent any threat except apparently their religious beliefs about sex and marriage, a massive constitutional violation.

As with the DOJ writ large, many books would be required to document just the last decade of obvious FBI incompetence and corruption. The FBI and DOJ use perjury traps to punish Trump supporters, perhaps most notoriously against Michael Flynn. Its leaders constantly lie to Congress. Wray has personally dared them to exercise their constitutional authority over his corruption by ditching hearings to fly to vacation on his taxpayer-sponsored jet.

The FBI covered up Hillary Clinton’s lawbreaking misuse of classified documents on a private server set up to enable her own corruption. It also covered up foreign funds transfers to Clinton while investigating foreign funds transfers to Trump. It still hasn’t solved the Jan. 6, 2021, pipe bomb incident near Vice President Kamala Harris. Wray has refused to provide Congress information about the bureau’s activities during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. Key FBI figures refused interviews with Durham, and the agency has ignored multiple congressional subpoenas. The FBI recently “investigated” U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz for obviously political reasons.

There’s been no accountability for any of this. Until there is, there can be no trust that it’s not continuing to metastasize. Absent a giant cleanout of these Augean stables, anyone who thinks agencies with this kind of track record can be trusted is part of their corruption or a complete fool.

The former New York City Police Department chief, as well as multiple FBI whistleblowers and corruption watchdogs, have called for an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt independent of these federal entities that have developed the Third World-style police power to threaten Trump’s life and jail his supporters. If such an investigation doesn’t take place, it’s not an investigation, it’s a cover-up.

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